
Thursday, 11 September 2014

Dance of Universe and other events).

Dance of the Universe. 2014. Fused glass. 185 cm x 125 cm (6 ft x 4 ft)

Dance of the Universe is a melody that I “hear” as an artist. On the bottom, you will see the melodic pattern that is gradually rising and moving into space. On the top left corner, you see the face of Johann Sebastian Bach, for his work of the “Art of Fugue" inspired this project. On the right side, you can see the tectonic map of Earth. Being a geologist, it’s as if I am reading music notes. I was trying to incorporate this tectonic map into the “Dance of the Universe” as an abstract drawing. This way, even with no knowledge of geology or tectonic plates the observer can enjoy the design. When I look at this map, I see the Earth alive and part of a universal melody. The wavy patterns are like lines in sheet music while the planets and the galaxies are the notes themselves. On the Arctic part of the Earth, one can see a woman staring into the night sky while a small boy is off playing by himself; this is my son and I.

It is scheduled to be presented in a Gala concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Montreal’s International Art Festival “Maple Leaves” on September 13, 2014. More art projects incorporating this technique will be presented at my personal exhibition on September 26-28, 2014, held by Vandart Art Gallery.

I've got an award as a Discovery of the Year from the Russian Business Community, called Prestige (or Russian Oscar) and signed Golden book of Montreal. Very busy). 

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Serious Talk. 2014.

I created a fused glass decorative plate. I call it Serious Talk :)
Fused glass. 2014. 25 x 25 cm. Frit painting. 

This is a re-creation of a drawing done by the Dutch artist Arent van Bolten. The original drawing was created sometime in the early 17th cenutry. It can be found in the collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

Medieval Cities.

These fused glass works are re-creations from the Nuremberg chronicle illustrations. This is one of the first printed books made in the year 1493. It has numerous beautiful illustrations of European medieval towns and cities. 

Sunset in Medieval Town. 2014. 
Fused glass. Glass powder drawing. 18 x 27 cm

I made another one as a decorative plate giving it a practical use.

Meeting Place. 2014.
 Fused glass. Glass powder drawing. 25 x 25 cm


Friday, 7 March 2014

Eyes. Set of Decorative plates.Fused glass. 2014. 25 x 25 cm.

This set of decorative plates is based on the drawings of Daniel Hopfer from the collection of Rijksmuseum  (Groteskevlakdecoratie met koppen van dieren, Daniel Hopfer (I), David Funck, 1480 –1536,  RP-P-1907-2892)

The original drawing was roughly divided into two halves thus creating two different plates. To complete the composition of each plate, additional faces were added from the original drawing.

When creating the decorative plates, I was trying to put emphasis on the eyes. They are the first thing you notice; afterwards you take in the rest of the composition. In my plates I wanted to create the illusion that the beasts are interacting with each other. Each beast has its own story to tell.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Medieval grotesques.

This is a series of fused glass works which are based off the illustrations from a 13th century manuscript called Queen Mary Psalter (from the British Library - Royal 2B VII).

These are drawings done by Queen Mary Master. All of them are "bas-de-page" drawings, but to me they deserved center stage. 

Lovers. Fused glass. 2014. 22 x 14 cm.  (BL Royal 2B VII, fol. 138v)

Men fighting against a dragon. Fused glass. 2014 ((BL Royal 2B VII, fol. 186v)

Grotesque-knight.  Fused glass. 2014. 21 x 16 cm (BL Royal 2B VII, fol. 141)

Musician. Fused glass. 2014. 16 x 10.5 cm (BL Royal 2B VII, fol. 192v)

Knight and snails. Fused glass. 2014.  20 x 15 cm (BL Royal 2B VII, fol. 148)

Musicians. Fused glass. 2014 (BL Royal 2B VII, fol. 193)

Grotesques fight with each other. Fused glass. 2013. (BL Royal 2B VII, fol. 136)

Musicians. Fused glass. 2013 (BL Royal 2B VII, fol. 193v.)